Opinion: Independent study idea to present to Baruch College at CUNY.

Independent study idea. 

I’m not expecting this to get approved. 

I just figured it’s worth mentioning. 

Here is the idea. 

There are a few parts to the plan. 

The general subject is arts organization. 

I would like to create an arts organization from scratch. 

That can mean just producing one play. 

Ideally, I have a more ambitious idea. 

I would like to locate a building with rental apartments in New York City. 

I would like for the rental apartments to cover all the expenses for the building and retail space. 

In the retail space, I would like to create a live/performing arts space. 

In addition to finding the location, of course, I don’t have any money to invest. 

Another aspect of the project is to contact hedge funds, private equity companies, and venture capital companies to try to find an investor. 

The odds are 99.9% that it won’t work. 

Nonetheless, this is producing. 

I’m living in the street homeless. 

What would be awesome is if I get the money, create a career for myself, and land an apartment all at once. 

I totally understand if this doesn’t meet the criteria. 

If not, I’ll do it when I’m not studying for school. 

Thank you and have a great day.

Opinion: Polite and respectful email to the NYC subway operators.

Greetings NYC subway,

I don’t drink.

I don’t gamble.

I respect everyone’s opinions.

I was thinking about the situation pertaining to the NYC subway losing money due to fare evasion.

NYC has several major casino proposals on the table.

That could bring a lot of people into the city and possibly more subway customers.

I don’t know why the city won’t allow the casinos.

There are stores selling marijuana all over the place.

If people want to gamble and it will increase tourism, why not?

I 100 percent respect everyone’s opinion if they disagree with me.

Just saying a bunch of casinos, billions of dollars of investments, jobs, and new hotels sounds nice.

I always treat all NYC subway staff with the utmost respect at all times.

I think you’re doing a stellar job.

The only things I would change are more security cameras in the subway cars and on the platforms, more panic buttons, and fences/barricades on the platforms so people can’t fall into the tracks.

Again, I give you a 10 out of 10 pertaining to how you’re running the NYC subways now.

Thank you and have a great day.

Mark Pine.

Opinion: Checking future payments from the New York City public assistance office—Human Resources Administration (HRA). 

Greetings New York City Human Resources Administration (HRA),

First and foremost, before I get into it, I always treat everyone who works at Human Resources Administration (HRA) politely and respectfully at all times. 

Treating the staff at Human Resources Administration (HRA) politely and respectfully at all times is the number one most important thing. 

More important than any of this. 

In my opinion, the staff at the Human Resources Administration (HRA) are doing an excellent job. 

Use this information at your own risk. 

Verify everything yourself. 

I’m not a public assistance expert, and things change. 

Today is January 8, 2024. 

I’m on public assistance in New York City. 

I don’t drink. 

I don’t smoke. 

I don’t do drugs. 

I don’t have a criminal record. 

Long story short, I got a little unlucky. 

People that I know like to sabotage people they don’t like for no reason at all. 

I don’t owe anyone money. 

I didn’t steal anyone’s wife or girlfriend. 

People I know just have too much free time on their hands so they sabotage people for fun. 

I contacted the NYPD and NYPD Internal Affairs, and they won’t help me. 

In my situation, people sabotaged the web marketing services I was providing. 

Therefore, I ended up living in the street homeless. 

Thankfully, I receive public assistance from the Human Resources Administration (HRA). 

I also went back to school at Baruch College, where I’m currently a full-time student. 

I want to wrap this up because I have a lot of schoolwork. 

I got my language two textbook even though class doesn’t start for two weeks therefore, I started studying now. 

Here is the situation. 

When I would like to see when I receive more money from the Human Resources Administration (HRA), I can check Access HRA on the web. 

Sometimes Access HRA doesn’t show my future payments. 

When Access HRA doesn’t update, I call a public phone number for the Human Resources Administration (HRA) that I’m not going to publish. 

It’s easy to find the number on the web. 

When I call the public Human Resources Administration (HRA) phone number, the automated phone system doesn’t allow me to find out about future payments. 

The HRA automated phone number used to provide future payment information, although if I’m correct, the option was removed from the automated system for some reason. 

I just went to the Human Resources Administration (HRA) location at about 6:30 AM. 

The Human Resources Administration (HRA) 16th St office opens at 8:30 AM. 

There were at least one hundred people waiting in line. 

If I had gotten in line at that time, I would be at the Human Resources Administration (HRA) location until the afternoon. 

Instead, I’m going to go back to the Human Resources Administration (HRA) 16th St location this afternoon around four, and hopefully, I’ll get out around six or seven in the evening. 

I’m sending this to the Human Resources Administration (HRA) so maybe they can figure out a way to share the information. 

For example, maybe the Human Resources Administration (HRA) can add the option to hear about future payments to the automated phone system. 

Again, I always treat everyone from the Human Resources Administration (HRA) with the utmost respect at all times, no matter what. 

This isn’t their fault. 

I have no idea who from the government is in charge of the decisions pertaining to the Human Resources Administration (HRA). 

I suspect the person or people who makes the decisions about locating future public assistance payment information is not anyone who works for the Human Resources Administration (HRA) and directly interacts with the public. 

I believe there are a lot of people who don’t have any compassion for people on public assistance or welfare. 

People think we don’t want to work and would rather see us starve. 

I would love a job. 

I applied for hundreds of retail jobs in Manhattan, and no one hired me. 

I would still be providing web marketing services if people I know didn’t sabotage me. 

Thank you.

Mark Pine

My plan from now until graduation at Baruch College.

I’m a full time journalism major/BLS minor at Baruch College. 

Currently, my GPA is a 3.8. 

I’m 47 years old.

I’ve been living in the street homeless the entire time I’ve been a student at Baruch College and LaGuardia Community College. 

I don’t drink. I don’t smoke. I don’t do drugs. 

I don’t have a criminal record. 

I say that because some people don’t realize there are a lot of homeless people like myself. 

A lot of homeless people go to school and have jobs. 

Not all homeless people drink, do drugs, break the law, etc. 

I have a 600 credit score and no money. 

I’m on public assistance. 

Thank you, NYC Human Resources Administration, for saving my life. 

Here is my plan from now until graduation at Baruch College.

I have three more semesters until I graduate from Baruch College. 

During Spring 2024, I’m taking Spanish 2. 

During Fall 2024, I’m taking Math.

During Spring 2025, I’m taking Biology. 

Today is January 2, 2024. 

The fall 2024 semester starts on January 25, 2024. 

I have the Spanish 2 textbook because it’s the same one we used for Spanish 1. 

All I’m doing every day from now until the 25th is studying the chapters for Spanish 2 so I’m prepared for when class begins. 

Summer 2024, I will spend every day on three important pieces of the puzzle for my education:

1. I have the Math textbook and syllabus. 

I’m going to spend the two months off during the 2024 summer studying for Math class that starts in September 2024.

2. I also have the Biology textbook. 

I will also spend the 2024 summer studying for Biology class that I’m taking during the Spring 2025 semester. 

I’ll also study Biology for a month during the 2025 Winter break before class begins at the end of January. 

3. I’m going to contact hundreds or thousands of companies to try and land a journalism internship. 

I’ve completed all the required classes for the journalism major. 

The only requirement left is the internship. 

I always treat all Baruch College staff, professors, and students politely and respectfully. 

I never discuss any controversial topics at Baruch College under any circumstances. 

Anyone at Baruch College can say anything they want about anything, that’s their business. 

If someone at Baruch College calls me a homeless loser, throws my laptop out of the window, and spits in my face, I will say thank you and walk away. 

I don’t care. 

All I can control is that I never say anything disrespectful or controversial under any circumstances at Baruch College. 

If a controversial topic is being discussed, I won’t say a word about it under any circumstances. 

I’ve had so many students (and even some staff and professors) at LaGuardia Community College and Baruch College harass and insult me I lost count. 

I ignore them or just act polite and play along if I can’t leave. 

I’ve been living in the street homeless for almost a decade; nothing startles me. 

For some reason there is lots of crimes taking place inside the New York City subway cars with no panic buttons or security cameras inside any of the subway cars that I’ve ever seen.

That’s a lot worse than anything I have to endure at Baruch College. 

I’ve had Baruch College students crash into me, shove their phones in my face, rob me, etc. 

I keep my mouth shut. 

I don’t even report it most of the time.  

When at Baruch College I never discuss current events or anything negative that may be happening in my life. 

I never joke around with anyone at Baruch College. 

I only talk about schoolwork at Baruch College. 

I would never date anyone from Baruch College. 

I would never interact with anyone at Baruch College, female or male, under any circumstances outside of class. 

In my spare time I’m doing some things to try and earn money so I can get back into an apartment or condo. 

I have my social media project called Mark Pine Opinion. 

So far, Mark Pine Opinion has earned $0.72, so look out, Billionaires Row; I’ll be there soon. 

Just a few million/billion more visitors to my social media pages and I’m in. 

I have my eye on 220 Central Park South, 15 Central Park West, and 1 Renaissance Square. 

I’m also trying to raise money from professional investment companies in my spare time for my Consent Startup, a retail food startup, a theater startup, and a few other projects I have in mind. 

I’m focused. 

Thank you to all the stellar staff and professors at LaGuardia Community College and Baruch College who helped me get to where I am so close to graduation. 

My dream is to make you all proud of me one day. 

I can write thousands of additional words, although I have to study for Spanish 2. 

Opinion: It may be easier to end up homeless or in prison than you realize. 

Verify everything yourself. 

I’m not a lawyer. 

I’m just a blogger. 

I think people need to have more compassion for homeless individuals and people in prison.  

In my opinion, the United States government spends its money in two ways. 

They spend it wisely, and they waste it. 

In my opinion, the United States government is wasting too much of our money. 

I think the government could be doing more regarding the homeless, housing, prisons, and many other things. 

I read that a lot of people are getting physically attacked in United States prisons. 

I don’t think it’s fair that someone is serving their time, paying their debt to society, and they have to be in fear of being assaulted every day. 

The government needs to figure out new options so that prisoners are safe. 

For example, maybe offer prisoners the option of serving their time in more rural areas with more space so everyone isn’t on top of each other. 

People in jail should be able to serve their time, learn their lesson, get out of prison, and elevate their lives while following the law. 

United States prison inmates shouldn’t have to fear physical danger.  

It’s much easier to end up in jail than people realize.  

I would guess that a percentage of people in jail are innocent and don’t have the money for a proper legal defense. 

I would guess that a percentage of people in prison grew up in difficult circumstances.  

Regarding homelessness, the government should incentivize real estate developers to create more condos and apartment rentals. 

The government should help homeless people get back on track one step at a time. 

People think there is only one type of homeless person. 

Some homeless people have full-time jobs and don’t look homeless.

What percentage of the United States population has years of rent and bills saved up in the bank?

What percentage doesn’t? 

It may not be as difficult as you think to become homeless. 

Some homeless people don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t do drugs, and don’t have a criminal record. 

Some homeless people just have bad credit and no money. 

I know because I’m one of them. 

Almost nothing embarrasses me. 

I always treat everyone respectfully and move forward cautiously. 

Treating people politely and respectfully is the only way. 

If you want to avoid someone, that’s okay too.

If you’re going to interact with an individual, act as if it’s being recorded and published on the internet. 

You may as well always act like you’re being recorded these days. 

I’m trying to create a few startups from scratch. 

I’m mostly using the resources I have to move forward. 

I also cold call professional investment companies that invest and manage millions of dollars. 

If I were concerned about being embarrassed, I’d never be able to dial the first number. 

I can’t over-clarify that I always treat people respectfully on the phone, no matter what. 

If someone is rude to me, I’ll still be polite and get off the phone as quickly as possible.  

I can’t control anyone’s behavior besides my own. 

When I cold call professional investors to raise money for my startups, I always act friendly, even if the person on the phone is disrespectful and insults me. 

So far, I never raised any money from cold-calling professional investment companies.  

I’m not giving up, I’m going to keep calling. 

It’s fun, I’m learning, I spoke with many very nice people, and who knows, maybe one day I’ll get lucky and raise a few dollars. 

I provide web marketing services for companies. 

When I have free time, I’ll cold call companies searching for new clients. 

If the fear of rejection embarrassed me, I’d never be able to make the calls. 

Cold-calling small business owners for new web marketing clients has worked a few times. 

I only cold-call companies, never individuals.

Of course, there is a lot of rejection on the phone when I cold call companies.

Some people are very nice on the phone regardless if they’re interested.

Some people are very nasty on the phone.

If I ever start thinking about embarrassment, I just think to myself, in 100 years, nothing that’s happening right now is going to matter. 

I put my no-embarrassment theory up to the test in another way for web marketing. 

One time, there was a major company that was selling a service to small businesses. 

Someone I knew at the time was authorized by the large company to sell the service. 

The person had no interest in selling the service, so he wasn’t doing anything with it. 

I said give it to me so I can try. 

The person gave me the flyers. 

I walked into cosmetic doctor’s offices in Manhattan, New York City, with the flyers.

I always treated everyone respectfully, regardless of what they said or how they acted.

A couple of the doctors hired me to handle their web marketing. 

Treat people respectfully, no matter what. 

Always act as if you’re being recorded with audio and video. 

As far as embarrassment, that’s up to you. 

All I know is that embarrassment doesn’t hold me back. 

I’m 47 years old. 

My twenties until now have flown by in the blink of an eye. 

I’m not going to sit on the sidelines worrying about embarrassment. 

Results are not guaranteed. 

Use this information at your own risk. 

Before you do anything, talk with an attorney. 

The United States should raise police officer’s salaries. 

CBS News YouTube video: NYPD Sees Uptick In Members Filing For Retirement

I’ve seen articles and videos explaining that police in the United States sometimes feel unappreciated. 

In my opinion, the United States government should double the salaries of all police officers nationwide. 

The United States may be able to raise police officer’s salaries more than double. 

I wouldn’t be opposed to tripling all United States police officer’s salaries. 

The way the American government wastes our money, paying law enforcement more is a wise investment. 

The catch is I would like to see law enforcement’s oversight be revamped. 

I don’t think the current internal affairs system is working correctly. 

It’s almost 2024; it’s time for an internal affairs revamp.  

We need more police, and they need to feel financially appreciated. 

I’m a civilian. 

I don’t work for the government. 

I’m not a lawyer. 

One day I would like to be the United States President.

I would also consider being the New York City Mayor. 

I imagine being a United States police officer can be a difficult job. 

The police have a lot of responsibilities. 

I think more money would put a percentage of police officers in a better mood every day. 

For police to have to risk their lives to keep us safe while simultaneously living check to check is unfair. 

To make a final determination on the numbers, I would have to take a close look at the budgets for the federal government, states, cities, etc. 

I would be surprised if America can’t at least double the salaries of all police officers. 

People should be lining up around the block for law enforcement jobs.  

I feel the same way about the military, FBI, and everyone else that is risking their existence to keep us safe every day.  

Email to the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at the City University of New York from me on December 15, 2023.


I’m a full-time Journalism Major at Baruch College.

I’m probably going to graduate in Spring 2025.

I would like to apply to your amazing graduate school.

Just like everyone, I’m always busy with schoolwork or something else, so I haven’t read the website information yet.

Please let me know if you have any advice for me, and I’ll read the website during winter break.

Thank you and have a great day.

Mark Pine.

The consent startup. 

The plan for this startup is to create an app, website, etc., that will allow couples to document consent before they enter into a relationship. 

Video of me talking about it:


The goal is to try and be useful to all parties involved in relationships. 

I hope to inspire people to be upfront and honest with each other for everyone’s benefit. 

I’m not a lawyer. 

I’m either going to pay for this myself or raise money from professional accredited investment companies. 

The odds are 99.9% that this idea won’t ever earn one penny. 

In my opinion, as with most startups, this startup will fail as the majority of startups fail. 

I’m not desperate to do a deal with anyone, regardless of how much money they have. 

I’m looking for the right financing, not quick financing. 

I’m 47 years old, and I don’t need unnecessary drama in my life. 

I don’t drink. I don’t smoke. I don’t party. I don’t do anything illegal. 

Use this information at your own risk. 

Results are not guaranteed. 

All information is subject to change.

Attorneys will have to match the laws to the concept to see what’s possible.  

Before people enter into a relationship, they can document what they have in mind regarding consent, and then it can be updated. 

I’m in the earliest of stages right now. 

I never lie or exaggerate to accredited investors when trying to raise capital. 

Anything I’m working on, for example, this page, will be emailed to law enforcement and regulators before it’s sent to professional investment companies. They may not look at it; that’s beyond my control—for example, FBI, SEC, Police, US Attorney, DOJ, etc. 

My peace of mind is worth more than a billion dollars to me. 

I’m not trying to be rich for a few months/years and then crash and burn with lawsuits and investigations. 

Opinion: Law enforcement is tracking the illegal cash you’re spending.

I don’t have a criminal record. 

I don’t do anything illegal. 

I’m not a lawyer. 

I don’t work for the government. 

I grew up around people with money; therefore, I learned some things along the way. 

I just wanted to put an idea into the web. 

Maybe it will save a few people from drama. 

Maybe not. 

I don’t condone anyone doing anything illegal. 

If you’re thinking about doing something illegal, I want to give you additional reasons not to. 

Number one is you don’t want to have a criminal record.

Having a criminal record makes it easy for the government and law enforcement to get you in more trouble in the future. 

Number two is, what are you going to do with the cash?

I’m not going to explain the whole process.

You’re going to have to use your imagination. 

Let’s say you do something illegal, you get away with it, and then you have cash. 

What are you going to do with the cash? 

In my opinion, the easiest way for law enforcement to bust you is when you spend the cash. 

Law enforcement is tracking the movement of more of the cash in the United States than most people realize. 

If law enforcement busts you because they catch you spending an above-average amount of cash, the odds are you won’t know that’s how they caught you. 

That’s it. 

That’s all you get.